Inspiration - Nature

The old Bridge

tarting from anywhere along the northern waterfront of San Francisco, you can now take the new bike path along the Old Bridge.

After crossing the Bridge on the west sidewalk, you’ll see a marked bike path that leads through a small parking lot. If you crossed on the San Francsico-facing sidewalk, a tunnel beneath the Bridge connects the Vista Point parking lot.

Do not ride up the hill. Instead, cross the parking lot towards its downhill corner, which is at the middle right of the photo above.

When you reach that corner of the parking lot you’ll see a gate that blocks cars from passing, but that allows bikes and pedestrians to proceed. Sigjns give the distance to Fort Baker and to the Sausalito Ferry pier.

The traffic coming up the hill is making a blind turn at this spot, there are wide commuter and tour buses going both ways on the narrow street, and much of the year the afternoon sun blinds the oncoming drivers as they turn uphill.  Enough said about why you want to be very careful in this spot!

We see many visitors on rental bikes who ride past our offices in northern Sausalito when they intended to stop in Downtown, and who then peer at the tiny maps that come with the bikes to see that they’ve gone too far and have to turn back.

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